Exhibition "HE|SHE" at Visions Fine Art Gallery in Moscow
"Breaking Point" exhibition and the "Wrap" series in Gillingham, UK
Exhibition on Hainan Island, China, gaining international recognition
Published in magazine "RABBIT"
Published in magazine "PRO Interier"
Became the Art Editor at the Publishing House "AP Avtopanorama," contributing to monthly car magazines and quarterly publications
Awarded first place in the category "Photography" at the "Russian Arts Week" work titled "Red."
Earned second place in photo art from the "Association of Arts of the Peoples of the World."
Participation in the "Palazzo Priuli Fon Venice" exhibition was recognized with a certificate
Exhibition Gorbunov art center in Moscow
Exhibition “THE STREETS” Awarded work titled "1" Minneapolis US
Exhibition “ORDER ≠ DISORDER” Awarded work titled "2" Minneapolis US
Exhibition “THE FOUND OBJECT” Awarded work titled "3" Minneapolis US